Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Sly's Stockholm Sunset...

All images (c) Tolu Ogunlesi, 2008

All images (c) Tolu Ogunlesi, 2008


Rayo said...

gosh these pictures are really beautiful, i love 2, 4,5 especially. wish i could wake up to such views everyday

toks adetuyi said...

Methinks you're a sly 'tographer. U'r bad, bro!

Woomie O! said...

hey! I stole one of your pictures!!! the third from the last...it's my wallpaper now...I can imagine expriencing the view in person...it's wonderful!


afrohomo said...


I hate to go against the grain here but I have to. I knew you in high school (yes, that one at UI) so I have followed your blog for a while.

While your pictures are technically good, they lack a point of view. They are generic and not genuinely inspired. Perhaps, the "newness" of the Swedish landscape distracted you... perhaps not. However, to be a really great photographer or artist, you need a point of view that's engaging, original and "You".

I have seen way better landscape pics and having read your written work, I know you can do better.

Still love your work and can't wait to see where you end up. Cheers!